Controversial director Ram Gopal Varma’s null cost experimental directorial Dongala Mutha shooting started yesterday at Hyderabad. As said earlier the entire shooting of the film will be wrapped up with in 5days. The movie is scheduled for its release in the early March and to meet this deadline, RGV planning to complete the post-production works at the earliest possible.Ravi Teja, Prakash Raj, Charmi, Lakshmi Manchu, Supreet, Brahmanandam and Brahmaji are casting in the film. Dongala Mutha has 5 technicians including director Varma while Puri Jagnnadh and Harish Shankar are the co-directors of the film. RGV is planning to set a trade mark in Tollywood with this film by showing how shooting costs can be kept low and to keep the span of shooting schedule less with innovative technologies etc...
Published Date : Thursday, 10/2/2011 10:44 PM IST