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Jan 16, 2011

How to Workout at Home Using Hand Weights

How to Workout at Home Using Hand Weights

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

This entire workout is convenient and can be done anywhere, using only hand weights. This is a circuit training workout; you do one exercise immediately after the other. You keep moving, keep your heart rate up, your muscles stay warm and you burn more calories! Let's Workout!


  1. Buy a set of dumbbells at your local sporting goods store. If possible, purchase 2-3 sets of different weights. i.e., 10 lbs., 15 lbs., 20 lbs.
  2. Wear comfortable workout clothing and fitness shoes.
  3. Read and do the following exercises for a complete total body workout!
  4. Enjoy!
  1. Squats: Starting position: Hold a weight in each hand, feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, core tight, shoulder blades retracted, knees slightly bent. Squats may also be done using an exercise ball, along the wall as shown in the image. Motion: Slowly squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Hold a beat and exhale as you return to starting position. Repeat 10-15 reps. Concentrate on feeling the muscles in the legs, hamstrings, butt and calves, contract and release throughout the entire movement.
  2. Bent over rows: Starting position: Hold a weight in each hand, feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, core tight, shoulder blades retracted. Bend over until your back is flat and parallel to the floor. Bend the knees slightly to take strain off lower back, let arms hang comfortably down, arms should hang under your shoulders. Motion: Slowly lift the weights upward, keeping the elbows tight into the body, exhaling upon exertion. Palms facing forward. Feel the muscles in the back and lats contract. Hold a beat. Return to starting position. Repeat 10-15 reps. Keep your back flat, focus on letting your back do the work; not your traps.
  3. Push Ups: Starting position: Support your body with your arms and feet, arms slightly wider than shoulder width, your body in a plateau. Beginners put your knees on the floor. Keep the core muscles tight, head in a neutral position.Motion: Slowly lower your body down, bending at the elbows. Lower until your chest almost touches the floor. Exhale as you push up to starting position. Vary your hand positions to focus on different muscles: a close grip hand position puts more emphasis on the triceps.
  4. Overhead Tricep Extensions: Starting position: Stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees soft, core tight. With both hands, hold a weight directly overhead, elbows next to the ears. Motion: Slowly lower the weight behind your head, keeping the elbows next to the ear in a fixed position throughout the entire motion. The elbow acts as a pivot and does not move away from the side of your head. Repeat 10-15 reps. Keep abs tight, exhale as you press the weight upward upon exertion.
  5. Alternating Shoulder Presses:Starting position: Seated or standing. Hold a weight in each hand, at shoulder level, palms facing outward. Abs and core tight. Motion: Press the weight upward, straightening the arm, keeping a slight bend in the elbow at the top of the motion. Repeat other arm, 10-15 reps. each arm. This motion can also be done pressing both arms at the same time instead of alternating.
  6. Standing Bicep Curls: Starting position: Hold a weight in each hand, arms hanging at your sides. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width, knees soft. Motion: Curl up one weight, keeping the elbows tight into the body. Exhale as you return to the starting position. Repeat other arm. 10-15 reps. both arms. Twist your wrist outward at the top of the curling motion to isolate the bicep muscle completely.
  7. Crunches: Starting position: Lie flat on the floor, knees bent, feet up on chair. Push the small of your back down into the floor, raise head and upper back off the floor, looking up at the ceiling, arms crossed across your chest. Motion: Making sure your head and upper back are already off the floor, lift your upper body higher off the floor, contracting your abdominal muscles completely. Hold a beat and return to starting position. Work up to 5, 10, 25-50 reps maintaining strict form. Make sure that you don't let your head or upper back touch the floor to keep your abdominal muscles engaged.


  • Definitions:
    • Circuit: A complete cycle of all the exercises on the list.
    • Set: 10-15 repetitions of one exercise.
    • Repetition: a single motion of a given exercise.
  • The specific sequence of the exercises focuses on the larger muscle groups first and transitions to the smaller muscles. Do 10-15 "Repetitions" per "Set."
  • Do one set immediately after the other, no resting in between sets.
  • Start off with 1 complete circuit and work your way up to 3 circuits. *Increase the amount of weight lifted each circuit.


  • Consult a physician before starting this or any exercise routine.

Things You'll Need

  • Hand weights/dumbbells you can purchase at any local sporting goods store.
  • Exercise clothes and shoes.
  • A good attitude!

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