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Jul 19, 2013

Health Ministry to review ban on anti-diabetes drug Pioglitazone

The health ministry is struggling to decide whether to keep it's ban on a commonly used diabetes drug with know side effect of causing Bladder cancer.

The drug in question is pioglitazone it's meant to be a 3rd line drug for diabetics and doctors arm into exercise caution while prescribing it. But what we are learning is that before the ban drug was widely prescribed as a first line drug as a combination pill with other diabetes drugs. But it't not about the safety issues concerns are now being raised whether the ban itself is a hasty decision.

The drug was banned in France and Germany after several global studies but it is sold in the US and UK with a health warning to consumers and doctors restricted from using it as a first line drug. The drug was banned last month by health ministry after Chennai based Mohan diabetes research found road to the Drug controller general of India over side effects. Since that decision reports have cited a possible conflict of interest.

The health ministry in response to CNN-IBN's queries has said "The Drug Technical Advisory Board(DTAB) under the chairmanship of Director General of Health Services is meeting on 19th July to consider all the facts and various representations made. Further action will be taken on receipt of the recommendations  of the DTAB"

Leading Endocrinologist in the capital advise caution but do not support a ban.


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