Have you applied for Credit Card? Did they rejected saying you don't have necessary credit history. Don't be depressed you have another way. Now getting credit card is easy even you don't have credit score.
Buying now and paying later...this is the facility which credit card provides. However, everyone cannot utilize it due to different reasons.
Reasons may be like this:
* Not paying earlier loans correctly. Not paying debts.
* Not having credit score due to not taking any loans or cards until now.
* If you don't have minimum income.
* If there is no eligibility in you according to Credit Card company rules and regulations.
There is a chance of not getting credit card in these consequences. Then how these kind of persons obtain a credit card ? The best way of credit card is showing any assurance.
You can obtain credit card with 80 percent limit for the fixed deposit which you made in Bank . You can get this type of credit card without any credit history or credit score. As only few banks are offering these kind of service, you have to deposit only in these banks.
* After taking this card buy in small amount at the starting. You should pay the bills promptly. By doing this you will get idea on card usage. You credit score also gradually increases.
* There is no option of getting rejected as banks have assurance of your fixed deposit for card. Normally the rejections are recorded in Cibil. If this continues two or three times you have to face problems in future.
* There are few banks which offer these kind of service like ICICI Bank instant credit card, Kotak aqua gold card, Axis bank insta credit card, SBI Advantage plus cards.
* You can use this card like any other credit card. You can also get reward points for few cards.
* If you failed to pay in time bank will take that amount from the deposit. As your target is improving credit score. So, pay the bills within time.