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Showing posts with label English News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English News. Show all posts

Apr 25, 2012

Dammu releasing in 1100 theaters..!

The Jr.NTR Starrer "Dammu" which is directed under the direction of boyapati sreenu is releasing with record number of prints. As per the information "Dammu" releasing in 1100 theaters which is new record in his entire movie career. Movie unit is expecting storming collections on first day at box-office, they are confident that this movie will create wonders in terms of records.

Published Date : Wednesday, 25/4/2012 11:17 PM IST

Dammu Makers Perfect Planning..!


We already know the most anticipated movie "Dammu" is going to be released day after tomorrow i.e friday. As per the information from today night itself makers are going to distribute the prints of "Dammu" to theatres, only then the prints can reach to theaters by thursday night. Because dammu producers doesn't want to make the audience unhappy on  first show, and they also thought of aksing all theater owners to check their machinery whether its perfectly working or not as it may become problem on first show.

Published Date : Wednesday, 25/4/2012 09:21 PM IST

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