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Showing posts with label HEALTH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HEALTH. Show all posts

Jan 16, 2011

How to Get the Most out of Your Workout


How to Get the Most out of Your Workout

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Getting and staying in shape can be difficult for a lot of people. It is very common and yet people sometimes feel so alienated because of it. So, here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your workouts and eventually reach your optimum health and fitness goals.


  1. First, be assured that this happens to a lot of people. Keeping up motivation is hard when you aren't seeing the results you want.
  2. Set your goals. Physically write them out so you can refer to them when your motivation is faltering or if you just need a little boost.
  3. Make small and large goals. Step-by-step goals are the easiest to achieve and you will be able to easily track your fitness progress.
  4. Make a workout schedule. By writing out a schedule, you will be more likely to stick with it and follow it. You wouldn't want to throw off your schedule,right?
  5. Stretch. If you don't already stretch before and after workouts, start now. And if you do, try adding a few more minutes of stretching in the middle of your day or before you go to sleep. Stretching relieves stress and tension and helps get you to relax.
  6. Keep a food journal. If your problem is overeating or not eating what you should be eating in order to reach your goals, write it down. And the next step with that is to show someone. Some people find that because they have to show someone what they have eaten, they are less likely to eat things they are not supposed to.
  7. Keep a fitness journal. This will help you to track where you've been, where you are going, and how you are progressing. Soon, you'll be able to see that you can run, bike, walk faster than you did before and at higher intensity levels. It is always a huge motivator when you can see improvement.
  8. Eat something small before you workout. You need to make sure you body has some energy before you go in for the long haul. You will find that you will have better results and can last longer on the treadmill or in that cycling class if you have a little food in the stomach.
  9. Oftentimes, people hit a plateau. It is hard to get over that brick wall, but it is possible. You have several choices. You can kick up your workouts to an even higher intensity or try a weight loss pill to jump-start your metabolism and get it cranking away again.
  10. Drink plenty of water. And not just during and after a workout. You should be drinking water throughout the entire day.
  11. Find cardio exercises that you actually enjoy doing. If you hate the treadmill with a passion, find something else. Try cycling, elliptical, tennis, dance, aerobics, water aerobics, long walks, or anything else you can think of. It doesn't have to feel like exercise for it to work.
  12. Just meeting with a personal trainer once a month can help you target your problem areas. Ask your personal trainer about exercises for specific body parts that you are having trouble with toning up and trimming down.
  13. Get plenty of sleep. When we don't get enough sleep, we stress our bodies out. When our bodies are stressed out, they will generally retain to weight. And who wants that?
  14. Eat 4-6 times a day. To maintain a healthy weight, keep the portions smaller, like for women. For men interesting in gaining muscle mass and size, at every meal eat a source of protein (chicken,beef,eggs,fish) and carbs (rice, bread, potato) to keep your body well supplied with nutrients for growth. Eat every 2-2 1/2 hours a day.
  15. Stay positive. You'll be surprised at the results optimism can bring.


  • Don't have your goal be skinny. Instead, try to be healthy.

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Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Get the Most out of Your Workout. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to Improve Stamina


How to Improve Stamina

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Stamina means having the strength and energy to endure an activity, illness or stressful situation for an extended period of time. People most commonly use the word stamina when referring to exercise, sports and other physical activities of the body or cognitive exercises of the brain. Generally, however, increasing stamina means decreasing fatigue when performing the activity.


  1. Eat a healthily-balanced diet. A well-balanced, low-fat diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables and lean meats keeps your body healthy and increases both your physical and mental stamina.
    • Eat several smaller meals throughout the day rather than one or two large meals, to keep your body steadily supplied with energy.
    • Snack on fruits, raw vegetables, nuts and other lean proteins between meals. Carry high-energy fruit and nut mixes with you during times of extended performance, such as hiking, cycling or cramming for final exams.
  2. Get plenty of physical exercise for optimal health and increased stamina.
    • Although physical exercise makes you tired immediately after you finish, regular exercise increases your energy level and stamina in the long run.
    • Cardiovascular exercise, such as aerobics, running, biking and dancing, exercise your heart and lungs, increasing the efficiency with which your body supplies oxygen to the muscles. As a result, your body's endurance and stamina increase and fatigue levels decrease.
    • Lead an active life. Basically, any type of movement is good for your cardiovascular health. Wear a pedometer and shoot for a goal of 10,000 steps every day.
  3. Choose an activity that you love. It is easier to increase stamina and endurance if you enjoy the activity you are doing.
  4. Gradually build up to the desired level of performance. Start out slow by doing the activity for 30 minutes the first time. Increase the duration of your performance by realistic intervals until you reach your goal.
  5. Involve others in the activity to make it more fun.
    • Bring the kids, the dog or a neighbor when you go for your daily run or walk. Or, join a gym where you can make friends and exercise together.
    • Keep your motivation high and increase your stamina for studying during final exam week by hosting study sessions for friends.
  6. Visualize your goal by closing your eyes to see yourself finishing the race or getting an A on the final exam. Avoid focusing on the challenges, obstacles or hurdles you may face before reaching your goal.


  • Give yourself plenty of physical or cognitive breaks to avoid fatigue.


  • Keep up a steady pace and don't break your routine. Taking a day off from the activity may be a helpful break, but allowing yourself to skip it too many days in a row may make it much harder to resume the activity.

Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Improve Stamina. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Dec 29, 2010

Follow these tips for better health

1) Always answer the phone by LEFT ear.
2) Do not drink coffee TWICE a day.
3) Do not take pills with COOL water.
4) Do not have HUGE meals after 5pm.
5) Reduce the amount of OILY food you consume.
6) Drink more WATER in the morning, less at night.
7) Keep your distance from hand phone CHARGERS.
8) Do not use headphones/earphone for LONG period of time.
9) Best sleeping time is from 10pm at night to 6am in the morning.
10)Do not lie down immediately after taking medicine before sleeping.
and last but not the least..
11) When battery is down to the LAST grid/bar, do not answer the phone as the radiation is 1000 times than the normal case.

Dec 16, 2010

How to combat With Stress At Work

In this modern society, everyone is working on a tight deadline.  You have to manage everything with precision to carry out your daily process efficiently with in a specified time schedule. At work place too, people find themselves loaded with work and always under stress to meet the targets and the deadlines.Experts believe that though stress is an inevitable part of your life, taking undue stress will not serve the purpose. It will only cause you health problems, make you less focused on task at hand and add to your problems.

Suggested below are steps of Stress Management.

Make your work more organized – Always maintain a ‘To do’ list, this will help you prioritize your work. You’ll focus on things that are more important and won’t waste time in things that can be done a little later. This will help your focus more at work, increase your productivity and help you meet your deadline.

Don’t over expect - A major reason why people are always under stress is that they over expect from themselves and set unrealistic goals. Plan a realistic timetable when you are assigned a work. If it appears impossible to meet a deadline, consult your boss. Ask for things that need to be completed on a priority basis. Focus on completing those task in time. You should also not promise what you can’t deliver. This will help you reduce stress.

Get more resources – If you feel that you cannot meet the deadline alone, generate resources that can help you achieve your target. When you have too much at hand, delegating work to others is a smart and a wise move. You can also take ideas and opinions from your senior, co-workers and friends on how you can possibly meet your deadline.

Take a vacation - If you feel that constant stress is bogging you down, consider it’s time to take a break. Keeping yourself away from stressful situations for some time will rejuvenate you. When you get back to work with renewed energy, you’ll be able to focus more and meet your deadline.

Take up energizing activities - The best way to increase your threshold for stress is to exercise and meditate daily. Also, you should take out time to listen to music, do some reading and communicate more with your spouse or friends.

Tips for Glowing Skin

Follow these 7 simple beauty tips for glowing skin and there’s no reason why you should n’t be able to have beautiful glowing skin for many years to come. . . . . .

Beauty tips for glowing skin

1. Try to avoid the sun: Extensive expose to sun really damages your skin. Avoid it by  wearing  protective clothing or use a safe sunscreen. Be especially careful when choosing a sunscreen – get something natural that do not contain chemicals.

2. Drink lots of water: Try to drink as plenty as water you can. Doctors suggest to drink around 10 glasses of water per day. Having  alcohols and coffees are also not the solution as they dehydrate you. Drink an extra glass of water for every cup of coffee you drink.

3. Regular Exercise and Sound Sleep: Regular exercise not only helps to relieve stress, but it also gets plenty of life giving and healing oxygen pumping through your veins. Sleep helps your body relax and restore itself. Try to get at least 8 hours a night.

4. Maintain Healthy diet: Eat lots of raw, natural foods and avoid sugars or processed foods. A healthy body will naturally maintain healthy skin.

5. Avoid smoking

6. Help your skin rebuild itself: Use a topical cream that stimulates the growth of collagen and elastin in the skin. These two proteins give the skin its structure and elasticity. As their levels decrease and the elastin fibres wear out with age, your skin becomes more prone to wrinkling and sagging. An example of a skin care ingredient that performs this function is Cynergy TK, found in the Xtend-Life skin care range.

7. Moisturize and antioxidize: Don’t let all that water you’re drinking go to waste. Help your skin to retain its natural moisture by using a cream that boosts your levels of hyaluronic acid. This aids the skin immensely in retaining moisture, which in turn helps to hide the visible signs of aging, in particular wrinkles.

Never forget about the importance of skin care that actively helps your skin to rejuvenate itself, as described above.

Tips for good sleep, Tips for better sleep

There are over 70 types of sleep disorders. Consider the following steps that may be helpful for u

1. Don’t tend for short sleeps in afternoon: You have probably heard it before, but to say again practice to avoid shorter period of sleeps. If it is unavoidable try to keep it to fewer than thirty minutes and do not nap after three in the afternoon.

2. Have a Limited Caffeine(especially in after noon): We all know that coffee has caffeine (105 mg. in a 6 ounce cup, brewed) , so it may cause unbalance in sleep. Try soda (40 mg.) and tea (35 mg.) of .

3. Have a Regular Exercise: Try to work out it in the mornings or early afternoon. Good Exercise tends at mornings help to stimulate the body muscles and will cause a relaxness at nighte. Late evening workout will make getting to sleep more difficult.Relax with yoga before bed. Studies have shown yoga to be effective against insomnia because of its relaxing effect on both the mind and body.

4. Keep a regular sleep schedule. Practise having a uniform sleep schedule. Keeping a regular schedule will teach your body to become sleepy at the same time each evening.

5. Don’t consume alcohol before bed: General notion is that alcohol gives drowsyness..... alcohol may help you initially doze off, the late night beer and wine can interrupt your normal sleep patterns and cause you to feel unrefreshed in the morning.

6. BEST BEDTIME SNACKS : Foods that are high in carbohydrates and calcium, and medium-to-low in protein also make ideal sleep-inducing bedtime snacks.
Try these for better results in your menu:
a)apple pie and ice cream
b)whole-grain cereal with milk
c)hazelnuts and tofu
d)oatmeal and raisin cookies, and a glass of milk
e)peanut butter sandwich, ground sesame seeds (It takes around one hour for the tryptophan in the foods to reach the brain, so don't wait until right before bedtime to have your snack.)

Follow these tips and see if your sleep improves. If you still have sleep-disorder problems consult your doctor.

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