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Jun 25, 2012

Is Liposuction Safe? Facts of Liposuction Surgery!

In order to get rid of the fat, people these days without giving a second thought, go for liposuction. This surgery became famous because of the Hollywood celebrities, it is done in each corner of this world. The liposuction is also called as lypoplasti. This procedure has some pros and cons. So, if you want to get your dream figure by resorting to this surgery then please keep in mind that what can be its bad consequences.

1. Marks on the skin: After the surgery, you will get deep marks on your skin. These marks appear only on those areas of skin where the liposuction pipe is inserted. The size of the marks, however, will be small, yet, they can be deep. If you have done the liposuction then It is very necessary to avoid the sunlight as the tanning might darken and deepen the marks.

2. Swelling, injury: Once the surgery is done, you will notice that the places where the liposuction is done, there might be an appearances of injury marks, swelling areas and the change of color of the skin. These are not very dangerous as they will heal after some days.

3. Depressions on the skin: If the doctor is inexperienced then he/she might commit a mistake by which you might get dimples on the skin. For correcting this mistake, the surgeons will conduct non-surgical liposuction, which would leave the patient harassed for the second time due to injuries.

However, there are no dangerous consequences recorded anywhere. Yet, there are chances of getting cardiac arrest, clotting, excessive bleeding and allergic reaction. Due to anesthesia, brain damage might occur. Hence if you are very keen on getting this surgery done, then please choose a renowned specialist for liposuction.

The liposuction (or lipo) is used for removing the excess fat from the body. The areas which are usually targeted for lipo are: belly, neck, thighs and buttocks. These days this surgery is trending very fast.

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