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Jan 16, 2011

How to Stay Fit and Stay Healthy


How to Stay Fit and Stay Healthy

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Are you addicted to junk food, or some type of food that is considered "Junk"??? Do you eat it everyday like it's a curse? Or do you think Physical Education is so hard, that you can't even do one push-up? Well, set down your snack, and stop trying to do push-ups for one second to read this article. Don't be ashamed that you are afraid to go in public because of your weight. All of us in this crazy world are one. After reading this article, go out and buy fruits and vegetables, and keep practicing those push-ups, because "You have to try it, before you like it."


  1. Start working-out. If you have ever seen a TV series called "The Biggest Loser" or "Losing it with Jillian", You think that it is real easy. If you think that, go to a gym. Your in for a big surprise.
  2. Start eating "Healthy" foods. Say goodbye to Cheeto's, say hello to the "green giant".
  3. Get a Wii with the game wii fit, or wii fit plus. This game is not only for exercising but it's for fun too! Try it.
  4. Exercise with your "BFF". You don't want to be alone when you are exercising do you?


Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Stay Fit and Stay Healthy. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to Maintain Your Current Weight


How to Maintain Your Current Weight

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Weight management encompasses an array of ways to maintain a current body weight. Weight management is different from weight loss in that you're not trying to shed pounds (which can be challenging). You're just trying to not gain them. Here are some tips.


  1. Be mindful of your weight. It's your best feedback for how your lifestyle and diet are affecting your body. A big part of the reason people gain weight is because it happens gradually, and they don't notice until they've gained a significant amount. Balancing energy intake and energy expenditure is the basis of weight management throughout life.
  2. Keep in mind that fluctuations of 1-3 lbs are normal throughout the week or even during the day. Do not become obsessive about weighing yourself daily; this mindset can become counterproductive. Because of fluctuations in weight during the week, recommendations say weighing yourself once per week is sufficient to help maintain your weight.
  3. Eating a well balanced, healthy diet helps control caloric intake and maximizes vitamin and mineral intake. When your body has all the needed nutrients it requires, your energy levels stay high and you feel good about yourself. All these factors contribute to motivation to maintain a healthy diet, which in turn makes managing your current weight easier.
  4. Balancing physical activity is imperative to maintaining your current weight. The American Heart Association, American Dietetic Association, and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend 60 minutes of moderate level exercise, daily, to maintain weight with out weight loss. Keep in mind that all exercise is beneficial, even if you can not reach the 60 minute goal each day. Try breaking your exercise routine into portions i.e. a few 15 minute walks per day.
  5. Creating a positive outlook on healthy eating, exercise, and weight will make weight management more effective and enjoyable.


  • What is a healthy weight? For women, 100 pound for the first 5 feet of height, plus 5 pounds for each additional inch of height. For men, 106 pounds for the first 5 feet, plus 6 additional pounds for each inch of height.
  • Utilize the Food Guide Pyramid at to help plan healthy meals, track calories and exercise, and to find more advice on weight management.
  • Consider consulting a Registered Dietitian, the only credentialed nutrition experts, to help plan meals, identify problem areas in diet and exercise, and to provide novel approaches to weight management.
  • Dr. Oz's weight management tips (combined with weight loss):


  • Always consult your primary physician if you have special health conditions or considerations when starting an exercise program or changing your current diet.

Things You'll Need

  • Gym memberships are beginning to be covered by health insurance companies. Look into cost effective strategies to keep your enthusiasm for exercise alive.
  • Non-food reward systems are a great way to stay on track during lifestyle modifications. Allow yourself a little splurge for staying on track.
  • Look into farmers market options in your cities. Not only do farmers markets support local economy, you get exercise while shopping for natural foods.

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Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Maintain Your Current Weight. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to Burn Fat at Home


How to Burn Fat at Home

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

If you want to burn fat quickly combining cardiovascular training and strength training in your routine will ensure you see results in no time. The workouts don't have to include equipment that takes up half your living room or half your wallet if you know what to get. Here are some suggestions for great first-purchases to help get your fat burning at home program underway on a budget. All items should be available at your local sporting goods or fitness equipment retailer.


  1. Make free weight exercises using dumbbells and barbells the foundation of your in-home gym fitness program. Free weights are compact, easy to store and take care of. Lifting free weights also gives you more strength training bang for your buck, because it works multiple muscle groups within an exercise. Focus on the basic compound exercises, such as squats, deadlifts and bench presses.
  2. Use resistance bands. They offer a complete and highly effective strength training workout to build muscle and burn fat in a space-saving, inexpensive and highly portable form. Similar in look to a jump rope, the bands are made of plastic tubing and come in differing resistance levels (light, medium or heavy or specific pound equivalents). Whatever exercises you can do with free weights you can basically do with resistance bands. Most bands come with exercise illustrations, some even offer instructional videos. You can also find free resistance band exercises for burning fat on the internet, so there is no excuse not to get started.
  3. Get a cardio workout. Whilst strength training is great for muscle building, cardio workouts will burn more calories during the exercise. Start doing simple exercises at home like push-ups, pull-ups, squats and abdominal crunches. Also consider fun activities which you could do with friends like walking, running, cycling, and swimming.


  • Strength training for women will not make you look bulky. Although it will help with increasing more muscle mass, which is what you want to boost your metabolism and burn fat, you will not get the bulky appearance as women don't build as much muscle as men. The female bodybuilders which you see in magazines have been training for years and they are probably not doing it naturally.
  • Make sure to include strength training exercises with free weights, resistance bands, your own body weight, in your routine. Increasing your muscle mass is fundamental to burning fat as it increases your metabolism. A high metabolism will make you burn more calories even at rest, as your muscles require more energy for fuel.
  • Weight lifting gloves help you keep your form and prevent injury by giving you a better grip on free weights. They cover the palm of your hand and stop at the fingers to give your hands maximum mobility. Make sure you get a snug but not-too-tight fit. Try them on before buying.
  • A weight bench can provide balance and support for working with free weights. Make sure you go for quality construction and stability – the bench should sit solidly on the floor and not rock in place when you sit or lean on it, and should have adequate padding. Try it out by lying down on your back on the bench that resists ripping.

Things You'll Need

  • Dumbbells
  • Barbells
  • Weight bench
  • Resistance bands

Related wikiHows

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Burn Fat at Home. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to Improve Physical Fitness


How to Improve Physical Fitness

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Physical fitness can improve your confidence and energy, and most of all it makes you feel great. This article will give you advice on how to improve your physical fitness.


  1. Get motivated. Find something to make you want to improve your physical fitness. Write down a goal and what you will achieve by improving your physical fitness. This really helps you want to reach you goal. For example: "If I improve my physical fitness I could get on the rugby team next year, I could get a healthier looking body, I could drop down a dress size, etc."
  2. Get started. Eat healthier foods (such as fruits, vegetables, fish, lean meat, etc.)and eat at the right time of the day (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Drink lots of water to keep you hydrated, drinking lots of water can also result in weight loss because when you drink water you flush out unhealthy fluids.
  3. Do daily exercise. Always do stretches before you Exercycle because if you don't you're more likely to pull a ham string or feel more pains and aches.
  4. Exercise definitely improves your fitness. It helps you sustain fitness activities for longer. More strength, agility and energy can be gained by doing regular exercise.
  5. To improve your physical fitness, exercise later in the day, because when you do you can go to sleep easily. Or if you don't have time to exercise later in the day exercise frequently but do not tire yourself out. Example -the occasional set of pushups,sit ups, starjumps etc, about every two or three hours.
  6. By following these steps every day you are sure to improve your fitness in weeks. Remember, Eat healthy, Exercise Daily, Have a goal in mind and you're sure to improve.


  • Here are different types of physical activities you can do to improve your fitness.
    • Running -running can be boring but it definitely does help. The tip to running is focus and your ability to carry on.
    • Biking-Biking is good for your fitness as well it challenges you as well as your bike .
    • Swimming-A tip to swimming is strength to break through the water.
    • Weights
    • Dancing
    • Sports
    • Walking at a brisk pace


  • Don't over do exercise. Only exercise moderately.
Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Improve Physical Fitness. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to Burn Fat by Running


How to Burn Fat by Running

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

We all want to burn fat and running is the perfect way to do so. It is easier than going to the gym and more practical as you just have to step out of the front door and you can run anywhere!


  1. Find a suitable route for your run/jog (a park would be perfect but even just around the block will work).
  2. Start off slowly gathering speed every minute, remember to move your arms, this will help you burn more calories.
  3. Start running. Running for 30 mins will burn a good amount of calories. The longer you run the slower you should go; otherwise you will get tired out and will not be able to complete your run.


  • Drink plenty of water to make sure you don't get dehydrated.
  • Do not eat a large meal immediately before your run as you may start to feel very sick with all the bouncing.
  • Wear comfortable exercise clothes and always wear a pair of GOOD QUALITY trainers.
  • run/jog with a friend or partner to help keep you motivated and keep your mind off the running.


  • Do not push yourself too hard
  • If you start to feel light-headed or sick take a break or go home.
  • Do not run in icy, snowy, stormy or slippery conditions. you can run in rain as long as it is not too heavy.
  • remember to drink lots of water.

Things You'll Need

  • Good quality trainers
  • Comfortable and good exercise clothes
  • A bottle of water
  • ipod/mp3 (optional)
Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Burn Fat by Running. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to Get the Most out of Your Workout


How to Get the Most out of Your Workout

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Getting and staying in shape can be difficult for a lot of people. It is very common and yet people sometimes feel so alienated because of it. So, here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your workouts and eventually reach your optimum health and fitness goals.


  1. First, be assured that this happens to a lot of people. Keeping up motivation is hard when you aren't seeing the results you want.
  2. Set your goals. Physically write them out so you can refer to them when your motivation is faltering or if you just need a little boost.
  3. Make small and large goals. Step-by-step goals are the easiest to achieve and you will be able to easily track your fitness progress.
  4. Make a workout schedule. By writing out a schedule, you will be more likely to stick with it and follow it. You wouldn't want to throw off your schedule,right?
  5. Stretch. If you don't already stretch before and after workouts, start now. And if you do, try adding a few more minutes of stretching in the middle of your day or before you go to sleep. Stretching relieves stress and tension and helps get you to relax.
  6. Keep a food journal. If your problem is overeating or not eating what you should be eating in order to reach your goals, write it down. And the next step with that is to show someone. Some people find that because they have to show someone what they have eaten, they are less likely to eat things they are not supposed to.
  7. Keep a fitness journal. This will help you to track where you've been, where you are going, and how you are progressing. Soon, you'll be able to see that you can run, bike, walk faster than you did before and at higher intensity levels. It is always a huge motivator when you can see improvement.
  8. Eat something small before you workout. You need to make sure you body has some energy before you go in for the long haul. You will find that you will have better results and can last longer on the treadmill or in that cycling class if you have a little food in the stomach.
  9. Oftentimes, people hit a plateau. It is hard to get over that brick wall, but it is possible. You have several choices. You can kick up your workouts to an even higher intensity or try a weight loss pill to jump-start your metabolism and get it cranking away again.
  10. Drink plenty of water. And not just during and after a workout. You should be drinking water throughout the entire day.
  11. Find cardio exercises that you actually enjoy doing. If you hate the treadmill with a passion, find something else. Try cycling, elliptical, tennis, dance, aerobics, water aerobics, long walks, or anything else you can think of. It doesn't have to feel like exercise for it to work.
  12. Just meeting with a personal trainer once a month can help you target your problem areas. Ask your personal trainer about exercises for specific body parts that you are having trouble with toning up and trimming down.
  13. Get plenty of sleep. When we don't get enough sleep, we stress our bodies out. When our bodies are stressed out, they will generally retain to weight. And who wants that?
  14. Eat 4-6 times a day. To maintain a healthy weight, keep the portions smaller, like for women. For men interesting in gaining muscle mass and size, at every meal eat a source of protein (chicken,beef,eggs,fish) and carbs (rice, bread, potato) to keep your body well supplied with nutrients for growth. Eat every 2-2 1/2 hours a day.
  15. Stay positive. You'll be surprised at the results optimism can bring.


  • Don't have your goal be skinny. Instead, try to be healthy.

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Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Get the Most out of Your Workout. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

How to Improve Stamina


How to Improve Stamina

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Stamina means having the strength and energy to endure an activity, illness or stressful situation for an extended period of time. People most commonly use the word stamina when referring to exercise, sports and other physical activities of the body or cognitive exercises of the brain. Generally, however, increasing stamina means decreasing fatigue when performing the activity.


  1. Eat a healthily-balanced diet. A well-balanced, low-fat diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables and lean meats keeps your body healthy and increases both your physical and mental stamina.
    • Eat several smaller meals throughout the day rather than one or two large meals, to keep your body steadily supplied with energy.
    • Snack on fruits, raw vegetables, nuts and other lean proteins between meals. Carry high-energy fruit and nut mixes with you during times of extended performance, such as hiking, cycling or cramming for final exams.
  2. Get plenty of physical exercise for optimal health and increased stamina.
    • Although physical exercise makes you tired immediately after you finish, regular exercise increases your energy level and stamina in the long run.
    • Cardiovascular exercise, such as aerobics, running, biking and dancing, exercise your heart and lungs, increasing the efficiency with which your body supplies oxygen to the muscles. As a result, your body's endurance and stamina increase and fatigue levels decrease.
    • Lead an active life. Basically, any type of movement is good for your cardiovascular health. Wear a pedometer and shoot for a goal of 10,000 steps every day.
  3. Choose an activity that you love. It is easier to increase stamina and endurance if you enjoy the activity you are doing.
  4. Gradually build up to the desired level of performance. Start out slow by doing the activity for 30 minutes the first time. Increase the duration of your performance by realistic intervals until you reach your goal.
  5. Involve others in the activity to make it more fun.
    • Bring the kids, the dog or a neighbor when you go for your daily run or walk. Or, join a gym where you can make friends and exercise together.
    • Keep your motivation high and increase your stamina for studying during final exam week by hosting study sessions for friends.
  6. Visualize your goal by closing your eyes to see yourself finishing the race or getting an A on the final exam. Avoid focusing on the challenges, obstacles or hurdles you may face before reaching your goal.


  • Give yourself plenty of physical or cognitive breaks to avoid fatigue.


  • Keep up a steady pace and don't break your routine. Taking a day off from the activity may be a helpful break, but allowing yourself to skip it too many days in a row may make it much harder to resume the activity.

Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Improve Stamina. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

Jan 15, 2011

Times 50 Most Desirable Karan Johar ,Aruna shields, sonakshi and many more......

India has VOTED and the results are out! Here's the list that you've been waiting for and dreaming about! zoOm gives you 'The Times 50 Most Desirable People' of 2010! These are the people you adore and aspire to be like! The stunning, the gorgeous, the charming and the enviable personalities of the country! Hrithik and Katrina top the Men & Women list respectively, but we give you the lowdown on the other most desirable people in the country! Click on the video to find out who they are!!

Sabarimala stampede: Kerala govt orders judicial probe

Kerala Chief Minister VS Achuthanandan has ordered a judicial inquiry into the Sabarimala stampede tragedy that claimed 104 lives on Friday night.

Rajini giving voice for a animated character

Super Star Rajinikanth is getting ready to entertain the audience with Hara, India’s biggest budget 3D animation film. Hara(earlier called as Sultan - The Warrior)  is being made in Tamil, Telugu, English and Hindi with a huge budget of 60 crores. Interesting news on the project is Rajini himself is dubbing for his animated character in all the languages. Vijayalakshmi Agathiya, Prakash Raj and Rahul Dev will also render voices for important characters.
Apart from the animated part, the film also has small portion of feature film of 30 minutes of runtime, which is being directed by KS Ravikumar. Hara is written, designed, directed and produced by Rajinikanth’s daughter Soundarya on their home banner Ocher Picture Productions along with the Adlabs. Music legend A.R.Rahman has scored the music for this prestigious project.

Trisha grabbed chance..?

A worthy news to all Ntr fans ... It is well known that Jr. NTR has teamed up with Boyapati Srinu for a new film, which will be produced by K.S.Rama Rao under his new production house. Now the latest buzz is that the sizzling actress Trisha has been roped in to this project for the female lead role.
So, if all goes well, we can see Jr. Ntr pairing with Trisha for the first time on-screen. Tollywood is also at buzz that the film is tentatively titled as 'Gharjana' and this new film will move onto sets very soon. However, the official announcement of this new project is yet to be made.

Jan 14, 2011

CWG scam: Kalmadi's aide TS Darbari gets bail

Suresh Kalmadi's key aides -- TS Darbari and M Jayachandran was on Friday (January 14) granted bail by the Delhi High Court in the Queen's Baton Relay scam case on the grounds that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) did not file any chargesheet against them.

'7936 MoUs worth Rs 20 lakh crore signed at Vibrant Gujarat'

20 lakh crore rupees in investments - that's the claim made by the Narendra Modi Govt as the Vibrant Gujarat summit comes to a close. That's nearly 30% of the GDP of India.

Jan 8, 2011

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Jan 6, 2011

Mr.Perfect in Post Production stage

Prabhas upcoming film Mr.Perfect in the direction of Dasarath has almost completed its shooting part and the unit is currently taking care of the post-production works. The producer of the film, Dil Raju informed that the music will be out shortly. Music for this movie is given by Devi Sri Prasad.
This film show cases Rebel Star in a entire new look, in this family cum youth entertainer. Prabhas is pairing up with his ‘Darling’ co-star Kajal Agarwal for the second time. Tapsee played the other female lead role in the film. The recently released trailer has impressed many, with a pleasant back-ground score by Devi Sri Prasad. Mr.Perfect is being made on Sri Venkateswara Creations banner. The release date is yet to be finalised.

'Mirapakay will release on Jan 13th

Ravi teja’s Mirapakay which got U/A certificate from Censor board will be released on January 13th. Richa Gangopadhyay and Deeksha Seth play female leads. Triple platinum of the movie’s audio will be held on 7th of this month at Taj Deccan. Thaman S scored music for the film which has nice numbers. It is directed by Harish Shankar and produced  by Ramesh Puppla under the Yello Flowers banner. Mirapakay will take on Balakrishna’s Parama Veera Chakra for this Sankranti.
Ram Gopal Varma very much impressed with the movie’s trailer. “I want to buy ticket on first day first show black,” RGV tweeted.

RGV's 'Appalraju' to release in 3rd week of Jan

Controversial directror Ram Gopal Varma current project Katha Screenplay Darsakatvam Appalraju (KSDA) shooting has been wrapped up and is in the post-production formalities. KSDA which was earlier supposed to hit the screens for Pongal is likely to release in the third week of January.KSD Appalraju is being produced by Kiran Kumar Koneru under the banner Shreya Productions. Music is given by  Koti and cinematography by Sudhkar Yakkanti. This film has Sunil, Swathi and Sakshi in key roles. The latest buzz is Crazy Star Ravi Teja playing a guest role in the film.

Raghavendra Rao to direct a devotional movie with Nagarjuna

Darsakendra Raghavendra Rao and King Nagarjuna are known for their devotional hits Annamayya and Sri Ramadasu. This famous combination is all set to come up with yet another film titled 'Intinta Annamayya'.
However, Intinta Annamayya is said to be a regular entertainer without much devotional part. Sources say, the film would be quite interesting like its title. Raghavendra Rao is said to have already completed the script part and is heading towards finalizing the other cast and crew of the film. Intinta Annamayya will move onto the sets only after Nag’s Rajanna and Damarukam completes their shooting.

Gopichand's 'Wanted' release in JAN 3rd Week

Gopichand starrer Wanted has completed the shooting part of the film and is currently progressing its post-production formalities. The audio will hit the stands on 9th January and the movie will reach the big screens in the third week of January.
Deeksha Seth is playing the female lead in the film. Director BVS.Ravi is crafting the film with a mix of action and entertainment. It is produced by Venigella Prasad under Bhavya Creations, the music was scored by Chakri. BVS.Ravi opined that the background score by Chakri will remain as one of the highlights of the film.

Gaganam will be released on Feb 4

Nagarjuna’s experimental flim Gaganam has finally had its release date revealed. The movie was supposed to release in the month of December, but was postponed to 4th February as Ragada was released in december.
The film is made in Telugu as well as Tamil version. It is directed by Radha Mohan and produced by Prakash Raj in Tamil version and Dil Raju in Telugu version on Matinee Entertainments.
Director Radha Mohan says that the film is based on a hijack drama of Indian Airlines flight.  Nag is playing the role of a commando. Nagarjuna says, “I’m happy doing this experimental film and I promise to come up with new genres, if audiences receive Gaganam on a positive note.
The speciality of this movie is it has no songs in it to make audience involve in the story completely.

Jan 3, 2011

'Pokiri' combo to repeat again?

Prince Mahesh Babu and director Puri Jagannadh were back together again with another new film. It is well known that the duo’s Pokiri has set new record collections at the Box Office. This new film will move onto floors from May 2011 and it will be produced under RR Movie Makers.
Presently Puri Jagannath is busy with Nenu Naa Rakshasi starring Rana Daggubati and Ileana. Mahesh Babu impressed with the story told by Puri Jagannath and okayed. Mahesh Babu had rather rough time in 2010 with his Khaleja disappointing at the box-office. Speaking about the film, Mahesh Babu says, “The storyline narrated by Puri created excitement in me. This movie sets new sensation in Tollywood like Pokiri.” Director Puri Jagannath says, “Mahesh was impressed with this subject. The movie will move onto floors from May. It will become a good film in our combination again.”  RR Movie Makers Venkat says, “We are happy to produce this film under our banner. The project will be made as a prestigious one with high technical standards.”

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Dec 31, 2010

Parama Veera Chakra holds U/A certificate

Dasari Narayana Rao’s prestigious 150th movie 'Parama Veera Chakra' was awarded U/A certificate by Censor Board. The film members appreciated the rating of censor board. C Kalyan is the producer the movie on the banner of Teja Cinema.
Balakrishna plays dual role in the movie. Amisha Patel, Neha Dhupia and Sheela pair opposite Balayya. Mani Sharma is music director. The movie will hit theatres on January 12.
As this movie is slated for Jan 12th release it has to sustain T-activity and Mirapakaya too which is also going to be released on the same day. Balayya has got some good openings in Pongal season so he's also expecting this movie works out well in this season.

Dec 29, 2010

Naga Chaitanya film release further delayed !

It is known that Naga Chaitanya is currently doing a film yet to be titled officially with director Sukumar under the banner Geeta Arts. Bunny Vasu is producing this youthful love story and Tamanna is playing the female lead in the flick. The movie which was supposed to release in the month of December was initially postponed to January but now, it was postponed again to March. The postponement is due to the crisis in tollywood.
Talking about the release date Naga Chaitanya says, “ The film was initially supposed to release in December. But, due to some date issues and technical problems, it got postponed. Now, we are planning to release it in March.”

There is a buzz that the film is titled as ‘I Love You’ , but it is to be confirmed officially.

Nag's Damarukam to go on sets from Feb 12

With recent hit talk of Ragada Nagarjuna once again proved that December is lucky for him.  Ragada is said to be making steady collections at Box-Office in this season .
Coming to the Nagarjuna’s next flick Damarukam which will be directed by Srinivas Reddy of Yama Gola Malli Modalaindi fame and produced by Venkat under the banner RR Movie Makers. The film will be a comedy entertainer with socio-fantasy touch. Anushka is pairing up with Nag in this film again after Ragada.
If all goes well this movie will move onto the sets from 12th February, 2011

Prabhas 'Rebel' to have regular shooting from Jan 2nd

As said by the producers Prabhas new film 'Rebel' is all set to commence its regular shooting from 2nd January. Rebel is said to be an action packed entertainer with all necessary commercial elements and produced with high budget and high technical standards.

Anushka is pairing up with Prabhas for the second time after Billa. Rebel will be directed by Lawrence and produced by J Bhagavan and J Pulla Rao under Sri Balaji Cine Media banner and the music for the film has was given by Thaman.
Cast of the film include Brahmanandam, Sayaji Shinde, Ali, Kelly Dorge, Chalapathi Rao, Supreet , Mukesh Rishi, M S Narayana, Jeeva , Jaya Prakash Reddy,Ali and others.

India wins second test - Levels 3 test series (1-1)

India defeated South Africa in the second Test match here in Durban , South Africa by 87 runs on Wednesday and leveled the three-match test series one all.
South Africa started its fourth day innings requiring 303 for a win was bundled out for a total of 215. Indian bowlers did the job by collapsing all wickets of SA (Zaheer Khan took three for 57 runs, S. Sreesanth also took three for 45 runs, Harbhajan Singh with two for 70 and Ishant Sharma with a wicket for 36) were instrumental . A defiant Ashwell Prince who remained unbeaten on 39 had stayed in grease for long time had tested patience of India.

Fourth Day Highlights:

A Sreesanth's super delivery got Jacques Kallis started South Africa's wickets fall. Then the two lbws - one a marginal decision (A. B de Villiers by Harbhajan Singh ) and the other a howler (Mark Boucher by Harbhajan Singh ) had made the survival options go vanish for SA.

Then came Dale Steyn, who was peppered with three short balls before nicking a fuller delivery to slip of Zaheer Khan.
Zaheer then bowled Paul Harris, while Morne Morkel was caught behind of Ishant Sharma for 20. LL Tsotsobe was run out by short leg C. Pujara.

SCORES : India 1st Innings:205 and 2nd innings : 228.
South Africa 1st Innings:131 and 2nd innings : 215.

Follow these tips for better health

1) Always answer the phone by LEFT ear.
2) Do not drink coffee TWICE a day.
3) Do not take pills with COOL water.
4) Do not have HUGE meals after 5pm.
5) Reduce the amount of OILY food you consume.
6) Drink more WATER in the morning, less at night.
7) Keep your distance from hand phone CHARGERS.
8) Do not use headphones/earphone for LONG period of time.
9) Best sleeping time is from 10pm at night to 6am in the morning.
10)Do not lie down immediately after taking medicine before sleeping.
and last but not the least..
11) When battery is down to the LAST grid/bar, do not answer the phone as the radiation is 1000 times than the normal case.

Srikanth as 'Virodhi'

As Srikanth starrer 'Ranga The Donga' is gearing up for its release on 30th December which is the only release for Srikanth in 2010. The Hero now signs for a new film with director Neelakanta. Earlier director Neelakanta worked for films like Show, Missamma, Sadha Mee Sevalo and his last directorial Mr.Medhavi was released in 2007 but failed to create a mark at Box-Office. Now he is back in Tollywood after a long gap. Neelakanta will direct a film soon with Srikanth which is reportedly titled as Virodhi. Virodhi is said to be a story with the backdrop of naxalism wherein Srikanth will be seen as Journalist. The movie will be produced by Srikanth’s brother Anil.

Nagavalli First Week Collections

Nagavalli is performing average business all over. As it was released in Holiday season that turned out to be the biggest advantage for this film and also made Producer Bellamkonda Suresh and distributor is happy with its collections.

As per the producer, the collections of first week was Rs. 12 crore approx.

Nagavalli collections Region Wise:

Nizam - 5 crore
Vizag - 1 crore
East Godavari - 65 lakhs
West Godavari - 55 lakhs
Krishna - 55 lakhs
Guntur - 1 crore
Nellore - 55 lakhs
Ceded - 2 crore
Chennai 55 lakhs

Hero Ram under Gautam Vasudev Menon direction soon...

Director Gowtam Menon’s earlier straight film in telugu was 'Ye Maya Chesave' which gave break to Naga Chaitanya and also gave row of opportunitiess to new star Samantha. Now Gautam Vasudev Menon is planning to do a movie with actor Ram as the lead. This movie is said to be a youthful romantic entertainer.
AR Rehman is expected to compose music to this untitled movie. Vallabhaneni Ashok who is producing (Erra Gulabilu -directed by Gautam Menon starring Samantha and Sameera Reddy) is the producer of Ram’s film.

Surya demands 20 Crores Remuneration

We know that Gemini Film Circuit is remaking bollywood’s 3 Idiots in Tamil and Telugu. Ace director Shankar is directing the movie. But the movie witnessed major changes in cast like Mahesh Babu and Vijay saying no to play Aamir Khan’s role in Telugu and Tamil respectively. This made Shankar to make a decision to rope popular actor Surya to play Aamir's role in Telugu and Tamil versions.
Now the latest news is that actor Surya reportedly demanded Rs 20 crore to play leading role in both versions of the movie. However Aamir Khan had received a remuneration of Rs 20 crore wih 3 Idiots in Hindi apart from director Raju Hirani. Ileana is playing Kareena Kapoor’s role in Telugu and Tamil. , we have to wait and see whether producer would heed to his demand or not?

Dec 28, 2010

Ragada's Sensational first day collections

Nagarjuna's Ragada had collected an average of Rs. 2.50 crores on its first day. It once again worked out Nagarjuna's december release sentiment. It is the movie that set a record first day collections in Nagarjuna's career. Producer Shiva Prasad Reddy told that Ragada has collected Rs. 2.54 crore on its first day. The film is produced by D. Siva Prasad Reddy with Anushka and Priyamani as the heroines. Charmi makes a brief but very important appearance in Ragada. Also in the cast are Kota Srinivas Rao, Tanikella Bharani, Raghu Babu, Pradeep Rawat, Dev Gill, Satya Prakash, Sushanth Singh, Supreeth, Venniradai Nirmala, Sana and Dr. Bharath Reddy.
Now this film is expected to be one of the biggest grossers this year and Ragada also expected to break first week collection records in entire Nagarjuna's film career.

Ileyana to replace Kajal Aggarwal?

'Merupu'  directed by Dharani and  produced by N.V. Prasad and Paras Jain under the banner of Mega Supergood expeceted to have major shuffling for heroine role. According to latest reports,  Ileana is likely to replace Kajal Agarwal as the heroine. This change is due to busy shooting schedule of Kajal Agarwal.
Merupu has Ram Charan Teja playing an Indian football player, who strives to take his team to an international standard despite match fixing and other inner politics in the selection of players. We know that Ram Charan Teja's father Chiranjeevi had played a goal keeper role in Vijetha.

Other Details : Devi Sri Prasad scores the music. Camera is by P.C. Sreeram, editing by V.T. Vijayan, art by Thota Tharani and dialogues by Paruchuri Brothers.

Bollywood Top Gun enters 45

Bollywood superstar  Salman Khan was born on Dec 27th, 1965. He made his screen debut in 1988 with the film Biwi Ho To Aisi. Salman Khan has been one of the top stars of Bollywood for over two decades. This year will see a total of 237 Hindi movies (including dubbed ones) release till December 31. And, the only two genuine super hits are Dabangg and Golmaal 3. Tees Maar Khan (TMK) is just four days old hence we can't figure it out from the top race.

“Of course, there are films like Atithi Tum Kab Jaoge, Band Baaja Baaraat, Ishqiya, Khichdi — The Movie, Love Sex Aur Dhoka and Tere Bin Laden that got critical acclaim and managed decent numbers too,’’.

Salman Khan had a fantastic outing this year with 'Dabangg '  which went on to be the biggest Bollywood hit of  2010. It is the all time second biggest hit of Bollywood Industry. Dabangg made Salman  to gear up to the top race. Not only with  Dabangg hit, the highest grosser of 2010 also won hearts with his role as the anchor of Big Boss Season 4.

Let us wish Salman Khan a very happy birthday and hope he bags many more hits like Dabangg.

Dec 24, 2010

Kudirithe kappu coffee audio launced

The Audio of the music of the film Kudirithe kappu coffee composed by Yogeshwar Sharma has been launched through Aditya Music at a function held at Club Jayabheri in Hyderabad which was attended by tollywood celebrities and the entire cast and crew of the film.
Music Director's introduction:
Yogeshwar Sharma made a debut as a music director through this film in tollywood. The young music director is the son of lyricist Sirivennela Seetarama Sastri. The film stars Varun Sandesh and Suma Bhattacharya in the lead roles. This movie is being directed by Ramana Salwa and the producers are Shiva and Mahi.

Censor Board's objection for a Scene in Trailer

Vishnu is the producer and hero of his latest film 'Vastaadu Naa Raju'. Vasthadu Naa Raju starring Vishnu Manchu and Tapasee has run into trouble with the Censors  Board 's objecteion to a trailer of the movie where heroine Taapsee’s navel is exposed. Taapsee wears gagra choli in that particular song in which navel is exposed in close up which caused objection from censor board. This song was picturised  in Venice.
Vishnu challenged the decision of censor board and posted the trailer in YouTube. Vishnu asks for viewers discretion whether there in any thing wrong in the song. His last film Saleem despite liberal expose of hot Ileana failed to attract audience. Actor-producer Vishnu Manchu was upset with the Censors' objection, as the song was shot in Venice on a high budget. Tollywood circles were also confused with the objection for a navel shot, as numerous Tollywood movies featured similar scenes.

Vastadu Naa Raju Status: audio released

Censor Certification : Yet to come

Farah Khan offer for Akshay Kumar!

It seems that Farah Khan is planning a sequel to Akshay Kumar-starrer “Tees Maar Khan”, which already hit the screens on Friday 24th. It is likely that Akshay Kumar will be given another chance to act in her sequel. This became evident when Farah and Katrina went to shoot the grand finale of STAR Plus’s cookery game show ‘MasterChef India’. she was so impressed with Akshay’s hospitality that she ended up offering ‘Tees Maar Khan 2' to the actor,” said a source.
Akshay, of course expressed his joy at the same moment!
The finale of “MasterChef India” will be aired Saturday.

'No One Killed Jessica' gets A certification

Censor board has awarded the A-certificate to “No One Killed Jessica”  which was  based on a real murder. This movie was okayed by the censor board without any cuts. Movie makers hailed the decision of the censor board saying that they were happy because they will be now  able to take the actual story to the audience .
 Vikas Behl, a senior official of UTV(which  produced the film)  commented hats off to the censor board for their decision.
“No One Killed Jessica” directed by Rajkumar Gupta is based on ramp model Jessica Lall’s murder case. Vidya Balan will be playing the role of Jessica’s sister Sabrina who fought for justice of her sister. Rani rani mukherjee plays a role of journalist in the film.
The movie cleared several restrictions posed by different members like former top cop Amodh Kanth who urged the censor board to ensure that only facts relating to the Jessica Lall murder case should be presented in “No One Killed Jessica”. He was the joint commissioner of police (southern range) when Jessica was shot dead in a night club by Manu Sharma, the son of a Haryana politician in 1999. Manu Sharma was given  a life sentence verdict by the Supreme Court.

This movie is set to release on Jan 7th.

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